Health & Wellbeing Team

South West PCN wants to work with local communities to work towards a healthier lifestyle and to empower people to make the right choices for their health care needs. This service is designed in a way to offer patients clinical and non-clinical services to support health and wellbeing in our community.


Health Visitors

The Health Visiting Team are based at the Community Hospital and may be contacted on 01989 562100. Health Visitors are closely involved with preventative healthcare, particularly of children.

District Nurses

Our District Nursing Team is based at the surgery and may be contacted on 01989 769081 (answer phone). The team provide expert care for those patients who are housebound.


The Midwives are based at Hereford County Hospital Maternity Department and may be contacted on 01432 364070. They are involved with the antenatal care of all expectant mothers, and hold antenatal clinics in the surgery. They also visit mothers and babies at home after delivery.

Wye Valley Trust has started a new way for women to access maternity services. If you are newly pregnant, you can now enter your details on a secure website that will send a referral straight to the Herefordshire community midwifery team. You don’t need to contact us or make an appointment with a GP – the midwifery team will tell us about your pregnancy. However, if you have any urgent concerns about your health during early pregnancy, please do contact us for advice.

The best time to fill in the online form is when you are 6 to 7 weeks pregnant. A maternity support worker will then phone you to arrange your first appointment with your midwife (called your booking appointment), which usually takes place when you are 8 to 10 weeks pregnant.

If you need support filling in the online form, you can ask someone else to do the form for you, for example your partner or a relative. If you are having problems with getting online, or understanding the form, please ring the community midwifery office on 01432 372965.

Please follow this link:

Contraceptive advice

We provide a wide range of contraception methods such as the contraceptive pill, depo-provera injection and the implant.

Smoking cessation

Is offered by the local pharmacies in Ross-On-Wye (Benjamin’s, Boots & Cohen’s).

Minor surgery session

By arrangement, either here or at Ross Community Hospital)Cervical smear checks(by arrangement.

Well Person Clinic (Over 75)

All patients over the age of 75 years will also be offered a health assessment including: a urine test (Diabetes Screening), recording your Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, etc., please make an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

NHS Health Checks 

Working together to improve your health

Everyone is at risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and some forms of dementia. The good news is that these conditions can often be prevented – even if you have a history of them in your family. Have your free NHS Health Check and you will be better prepared for the future and be able to take steps to maintain or improve your health.

Why do I need an NHS Health Check?

We know that your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia increases with age. There are also certain things that will put you at even greater risk. These are:

  • being overweight
  • being physically inactive
  • not eating healthily
  • smoking
  • drinking too much alcohol
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol

Both men and women can develop these conditions, and having once could increase your risk of developing another in the future.

  • In the brain a blocked artery or a bleed can cause a stroke.
  • In the heart a blocked artery can cause a heart attack or angina.
  • The kidneys can be damaged by high blood pressure or diabetes, causing chronic kidney disease and increasing your risk of having a heart attack.
  • Being overweight and physically inactive can lead to type 2 diabetes.
  • If unrecognised or unmanaged, type 2 diabetes could increase your risk of further health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease and stroke.

What happens at the check?

  • This check is to assess your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and stroke.
  • The check will take about 20–30 minutes.
  • You’ll be asked some simple questions. For example, about your family history and choices which may put your health at risk
  • We’ll record your height, weight, age, sex, and ethnicity.
  • We’ll take your blood pressure.
  • We’ll do a simple blood test to check your cholesterol level.

What happens after the check?

  • We will discuss how you can reduce your risk and stay healthy
  • You’ll be taken through your results and told what they mean. Some people may be asked to return at a later date for their results.
  • You’ll be given personalised advice on how to lower your risk and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Some people with raised blood pressure will have their kidneys checked through a blood test.
  • Some people may need to have another blood test to check for type 2 diabetes. Your health professional will be able to tell you more.
  • Treatment or medication may be prescribed to help you maintain your health.

Questions you may have

Why do I need this check? I feel fine!

The NHS Health Check helps to identify potential risks early. By having this check and following the advice of your health professional, you improve your chances of living a healthier life.

But don’t these conditions run in the family?

If you have a history of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, or kidney disease in your family then you may be more at risk. Taking action now can help you to prevent the onset of these conditions.

I know what I’m doing wrong. How can the doctor help me?

If you would like help, we will work with you to find ways to eat healthily, reach your healthy weight, be more active, cut down your drinking, or stop smoking.

If I am assessed as being at ‘low risk’, does this mean I won’t develop these conditions?

It is impossible to say that someone will or won’t go on to develop one of these conditions. But taking action now can help you lower your potential risk.

Will everyone has this check?

This check is part of a national scheme to help prevent the onset of these health problems. Everyone between the ages of 40 and 74 who has not been diagnosed with the conditions mentioned will be invited for a check once every five years. If you are outside the age range and concerned about your health, you should contact your GP.